Understanding Multithreading and Multiprocessing in Python

Muhammad Abdullah
3 min readMar 13, 2024

In the era of computer science, multitasking has become indispensable. As users, we often engage in multiple activities simultaneously, whether downloading files, listening to music, or playing a game on our devices. However, what happens behind the scenes, particularly within the programming domain, is a fascinating journey into the world of multitasking, where the terms “Multithreading” and “Multiprocessing” play a significant role.

What is Multithreading?

At its core, threading represents an independent flow of execution within a program. Picture a single process as a vessel containing multiple threads, each entrusted with executing a specific task. To illustrate, consider the scenario of a video game like Vice City. While the game itself represents a single process, it comprises various threads responsible for distinct functions such as playing music, accepting user inputs, and managing opponents. These threads collectively contribute to the seamless experience of gameplay.

How to Implement Multithreading in Python?

Python, renowned for its simplicity and versatility, offers robust support for multithreading through its threading module. Let’s delve into a basic example:

import threading
import time

def task():
for x in range(6):
print("Child Thread Here!!")

# Creating a new thread
t1 = threading.Thread(target=task)
# Initiating the thread
# Waiting for the thread to complete
print("Main Thread Here!!")

In this snippet, we define a function task() and encapsulate it within a thread. Upon invocation, the thread executes the designated task, demonstrating the essence of multithreading.

Leveraging Multithreading in Python

The versatility of multithreading in Python extends beyond mere execution speed enhancements. It proves invaluable in scenarios where certain tasks can run independently, thus capitalizing on idle CPU cycles. Consider instances where web services are invoked via APIs or network sockets await incoming data. Multithreading enables efficient utilization of system resources during these periods of latency, resulting in enhanced program performance.

The Need for Multiprocessing

While multithreading offers substantial benefits, scenarios arise where its limitations become apparent. Multiprocessing emerges as a viable alternative, facilitating the concurrent execution of multiple processes, each endowed with its own memory space.

Implementation in Python

Python empowers developers with robust multiprocessing capabilities through its aptly named multiprocessing module. Let's explore a simple implementation:

import multiprocessing
import time

def calculate_square(numbers):
for num in numbers:
time.sleep(2) # Simulating computation delay
print('Square:', num * num)

if __name__ == "__main__":
nums = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=calculate_square, args=(nums,))

In this example, we define a function calculate_square() tasked with computing squares of numbers. By employing multiprocessing, we harness the full potential of CPU cores, thereby accelerating program execution.

Diving Deeper: GIL and Global Variables

Understanding the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

The GIL serves as a safeguard within Python’s runtime environment, ensuring thread safety by permitting only one thread to execute Python bytecode at a time. While it aids in preventing race conditions, it imposes limitations on parallel execution within a single Python process.

Global Variables in Multiprocessing

When employing multiprocessing, each process possesses its own memory space, necessitating explicit mechanisms for inter-process communication. Global variables, although accessible across threads, necessitate careful handling to avoid data corruption. By leveraging multiprocessing’s Queue mechanism, developers can seamlessly share data between processes while maintaining data integrity.


In the dynamic landscape of Python programming, the concepts of multithreading and multiprocessing emerge as invaluable tools for enhancing program performance and concurrency. Whether optimizing CPU-bound tasks or leveraging idle CPU cycles, Python’s rich ecosystem empowers developers with versatile solutions. By understanding the nuances of threading, multiprocessing, and inter-process communication, developers can navigate complex computational scenarios with finesse, unlocking new dimensions of efficiency and scalability.

Happy Coding! 🚀

